We’re not sure what it is, but it’s just something about parking that pisses Chris Brown off.
A few weeks ago he was stealing Frank Ocean’s parking spot outside a recording studio and got so pissed about it he allegedly jumped the “Forest Gump” crooner.
You would think having valet would be enough to keep the “Don’t Judge Me” singer happy, but not when the valet has the audacity to ask Mr. Brown to pay the $10 valet charge.
Okay seriously? I lived off of a minimum wage job in the middle of Atlanta for quite some time and never complained about ten dollars. Brown just cashed out to get Rihanna some $65,000 earrings and then has the nerve to get stingy over 10 bucks?
Perhaps the valet should have tried to make a move on the R&B bad boy.

“F*** ten dollars,” he said.
According to the tatted up singer turned part-time rapper, he shouldn’t have to pay valet because he was only inside the venue for the charity event for a measly 30 minutes.
That’s right a charity event; a charity event for A Place Called Home to be exact. So while the bad boy was outside getting upset over ten dollars, just feet away inside the venue were tons of youth who could have taught Brown a lesson that there are much bigger things to worry about than $10.
Anyway, he went on to threaten both the valet and the entire establishment.
“Gimme my keys …. We gonna turn this whole spot up …. I promise you,” the “Don’t Wake Me Up” singer said.
It seems like someone from Brown’s posse paid the fee instead before he snatched the keys and responded with “Funky ass ten dollars.”
Perhaps the only thing more ridiculous than Rihanna’s boyfriend getting so upset over the small fee is the way many of his hardcore fans reacted to the situation.

When the Huffington Post published the article on their website, Team Breezy was quick to defend the violent young man and try to justify his actions.
“The Huffington post is determined to ruin Chris Brown any way they can,” one comment read. “If he takes a dump and it smells, will you report that too? Keep your $10. Chris, you earned it!”
We know exactly what you’re thinking, but don’t worry somebody else was quick to respond to the comment to shed some light on the situation.
“Yeah and the valet guy was just doing his JOB and I am sure he earned the $10 too,” another reader responded.
Of course there was more than one hardcore Brown lover who had to make their opinion known.
“And you believe this nonsense? Chris is a young black man being vilified at every turn,” another user wrote. “Would this be a story if it were Justne Timberlack, members of 1 Direction or Bad Pitt? Of course not. Anything to drag Chris down because he is with Rihanna and that angers these people!”
Personally, nobody’s response to this comment really did enough for me so I’ll do the honors:

As ridiculous as that Chris Brown defense was, there was one comment that was even more shocking.
“As Cornell West proclaims, ‘race always matters,’” another fan wrote. “They say anything to make him out to be the angry black man they need him to be to fulfill their irrational fears! Remember when Obama was declared angry?”
This would definitely be a “hold me back” moment in person. Did someone really just compare Chris Brown to President Barack Obama!? Even the most extreme anti-Obama Conservative would have to give him props and say that he is doing better than Chris Brown in any and all aspects of life.
We’re still not even sure why the race card keeps getting pulled out here because it’s obvious that the actions that took place were just ridiculous. He threatened the establishment that was hosting a charity event over $10. How many times do people have to read that before it makes sense?
I mean he said it himself, “I get what you get in ten years, in two days.”
This is definitely not an issue of race or anyone personally trying to attack Chris Brown.
No matter who you are, threatening someone and cussing them out for simply doing their job is ridiculous.
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