Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Nicki Minaj Admits She Is No Fan Of High School In Teen Vogue

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Nicki Minaj compares music industry to high school
Nicki Minaj graced the cover of Teen Vogue for the magazine’s June/July 2013 issue and compared the sneaky conniving ways of the music industry to her days in high school.
That’s right Nicki Minaj hates high school, not her song, but the real deal and how the music industry seems to be nothing but a high school popularity contest.
“People treat this business like it’s high school,” she told the magazine. “It can absolutely feel like one big popularity contest, and you know what? I can’t be bothered. I can’t allow myself to play ridiculous games with grown adults in the industry. I can’t be nice to someone just because they’re hot right now. I can’t do it.”
As she continued the interview Nicki revealed that despite her less than child friendly lyrics there is actually signs of a good role model buried deep down inside her… somewhere.
Nicki Minaj encourages teens to delete social media
She revealed that she dealt with some serious struggles throughout high school and was faced with the dilemma of being the new kid over and over again when her parents got into fights.
“Every time my parents fought, my mother would have us move and I would have to go to a new school, which meant I’d have to face the task of making new friends,” she admitted. “I dreaded it.”
She went on to admit that she used to get butterflies as she asked herself if the students would like her or not. Unfortunately, she also revealed that many times she would be forced to get into fights with students who were messing with her but she had to show them that she wouldn’t be “pushed around.”
Despite the poor way she dealt with high school, she is now encouraging teens to just ignore all the negativity and even suggesting that they delete their social media profiles if things just become too much.
“I used to read the bad things people said about me,” Nicki said. “Then I asked myself, ‘Why am I reading that when I have millions of people saying great things?’ You cannot give negativity power. I tell teens, if you’re having a problem, there’s nothing wrong with deleting your social media. If people keep taunting you and you keep reading it, it’s poison.”
There aren’t many celebrities who are willing to tell their fans to delete their social media pages, so it’s a step in the right direction that the hip hop Barbie is letting her Barbs know that it’s okay to walk away from the world of cyber space.
Quite frankly, it’s wonderful advice for many young children. When I was in high school Twitter and Facebook did nothing but allow the mean girls to come home with me every day.
In addition to breaking down the drama of her teenage days, Nicki also got to take part in the photoshoot that was made for her.
The Teen Vogue’s Barbie style photoshoot had Nicki Nick feeling right at home.
Nicki Minaj says music industry is a high school popularity contest
The curvy rapper was dressed in tutu’s, glitter, dresses, and outfits that looked like they were made for Malibu Barbie.
And if you are one of those people that still wasn’t convinced Nicki had a nice bone in her body, when she couldn’t made it home to spend Mother’s day with her own mom, she gave special gifts to all the mothers on her team including balloons and large flower bouquets.
Nicki Minaj celebrates mothers day with team minaj




