Saturday 13 July 2013

The Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” (pt. I)

“Eyes Wide Shut” was promoted as a steamy, suspenseful movie starring the “It” couple of the day: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. While the actors were prominently featured in the movie, it is everything around them that told the true story of “Eyes Wide Shut”. Stanley Kubrick’s attention to detail and symbolism gave the movie an entire other dimension – one that cannot be seen by those who have their eyes wide shut. This multiple-part series will look at the hidden symbolism of Kubrick’s final film.

I remember when I first watched Eyes Wide Shut, back in 1999. Boy, did I hate it. I hated how slow everything was, I hated how Nicole Kidman tried to sound drunk or high and I hated seeing Tom Cruise walk around New York looking concerned. I guess I reacted the same way critics did at the time the movie came out and thought: “This movie is boring and there is nothing hot about it.” More than a decade later, equipped with a little more knowledge and patience, I re-watched the movie … and it blew my mind. In fact, like most Stanley Kubrick films, an entire book could be written about the movie and the concepts it addresses. Eyes Wide Shut is indeed not simply about a relationship, it is about all of the outside forces and influences that define that relationship. It is about the eternal back-and-forth between the male and female principles in a confused and decadent modern world. Also, more importantly, it is about the group that rules this modern world – a secret elite that channels this struggle between the male and female principles in a specific and esoteric matter. The movie however does not spell out anything. Like all great art, messages are communicated through subtle symbols and mysterious riddles.
Stanley Kubrick unexpectedly died only five days after submitting the final cut of the movie to Warner Bros, making Eyes Wide Shut his swan song. Considering the fact that Eyes Wide Shut is about an occult secret society that eliminates those who cross its path, some theories arose about Kubrick’s death and its suspicious nature. Did he reveal to the public too much, too soon? Maybe.
Let’s look at the main themes of Kubrick’s last creation.

The Modern Couple

The stars of Eyes Wide Shut were the “It” couple of 1999: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Those who were expecting the movie to be a sort of voyeuristic experience showing hot scenes of the couple were probably very disappointed. The audience rather got a cold, egoistic and profoundly unsatisfied couple, one that seems to be tied together not by pure love, but by other factors, like convenience and appearances. While the couple is very “modern” and “upper-class”, the forces that keep it together are the result of basic, primal and almost animalistic behavior. If we look at the instinctive behavior of humans and animals, males primarily look for females that have good child-bearing qualities while females look for a strong provider. Remnants of this behavior still exist today as males tend to display wealth and power to attract females while females showcase their beauty to attract males. In Eyes Wide Shut, the couple perfectly follows that instinctive script.
Tom Cruise’s character is called Dr. Bill … as in dollar bill. Several times during the movie, Dr. Bill either waves his money or his “doctor badge” at people to get them to do what he wants. Bill is part of the upper class and his dealings with people of the lower class are often resolved with money.
In order to get this taxi driver to wait for him in front of the mention, Dr. Bill tears up a hundred dollar bill and promises him to give him the other half when he comes back. Dr. Bill's motto is probably "Everybody has a price".
In order to get this taxi driver to wait for him in front of the elite mansion, Dr. Bill tears up a hundred dollar bill and promises him to give him the other half when he comes back. Dr. Bill’s motto is probably “Everybody has a price”. Does his own wife have a price?
Played by Nicole Kidman, Alice lost her job in the art world and is now fully supported by her husband’s salary. While she lives very comfortably, Alice appears to be extremely bored with her life as a stay at home mother. The name Alice is most likely a reference to the main character of Alice in Wonderland – a fairy tale about a privileged girl who is bored with her life and who goes “through the looking glass” to end up in Wonderland. In Eyes Wide Shut, Alice is often shown staring at the looking glass – grooming herself or … maybe looking for something more to life.
Alice spends a lot of time in front of the mirror being pretty - maybe because it is the only "attribute" that keeps her in that social status. Her daughter, Helena (maybe named after Helena of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world) follows in her footsteps.
Alice is often shown in front of the mirror and making herself pretty. At the beginning of the movie, almost everyone who talk to her mention her appearance. Her daughter Helena (maybe named after Helena of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world) follows in her footsteps.
Promotional images for the movies feature Alice kissing Bill but looking at herself in the mirror, almost as if she was living in an alternate reality.
Promotional images for the movie feature Alice kissing Bill but looking at herself in the mirror, almost as if she was seeing an alternate reality.
While the couple shows signs of fatigue, Bill and Alice put on their “happy masks” when it is time to attend social events. Like the elite people they socialize with, there is a big difference between the facade they put on and reality.

Brushing With the Elite

Bill and Alice go to a classy party given by Victor Ziegler, one of Bill’s wealthy patients. Judging from Victor’s house, he is not simply rich, he is part of the ultra-elite. While his party is very elegant and is attended by highly cultured people, it doesn’t take long for the viewers to realize that this facade hides a disgusting dark side. Also, small details inserted by Kubrick hint to a link between the party and the occult ritual that occurs later in the movie.
When entering the party, the first thing  we see is this odd star-shaped Christmas decoration. This particular decoration is found throughout the house.
When entering the party, the first thing we see is this peculiar Christmas decoration. This eight-pointed star is found throughout the house.
The eight-pointed star is nearly identical to the star of Ishtar.
The star at Zeigler’s house is nearly identical to the ancient symbol of the star of Ishtar.
Knowing Kubrick’s attention to detail, the inclusion of the star of Ishtar in this party is not an accident. Ishtar is the Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, war and, mostly, sexuality. Her cult involved sacred prostitution and ritual acts – two elements we clearly see later in the movie.
“Babylonians gave Ishtar offerings of food and drink on Saturday. They then joined in ritual acts of lovemaking, which in turn invoked Ishtar’s favor on the region and its people to promote continued health and fruitfulness.”
- Goddess Ishtar, Anita Revel
Ishtar herself was considered to be the “courtesan of the gods” and had many lovers. While inspired in bed, she was also cruel to the men that got attached to her. These concepts will constantly reappear in the movie, especially with Alice.
During the party, Bill and Alice go their separate ways and are both faced with temptation. Alice meets a man named Sandor Szavost who asks her about Ovid’s Art of Love. This series of books, written during the times of Ancient Rome, was essentially a “How to Cheat on Your Partner” guide, and was popular with the elite of the time. The first book opens with an invocation to Venus – the planet esoterically associated with lust. Interestingly enough, Ishtar (and her equivalents in other Semetic cultures) was considered to be the personification of Venus.
Sandor drinks from Alice's glass. This trick is taken right out of The Art of Love - maybe because its a subtle way of telling Alice that he wants to exchange fluids with her.
Sandor drinks from Alice’s glass. This trick is taken right out of  Ovid’s The Art of Love. It sends Alice a message that is not very subliminal: “I want to exchange fluids with you”.
Sandor’s name might be a reference to the founder of the Church of Satan: Anton Szandor Lavey. Is this Kubrick’s way of saying that this man, who urges Alice to cheat on her husband, is a part of the occult elite and its decadent ways? The Hungarian man is apparently skilled in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) as he nearly hypnotizes Alice with well calculated phrases about the futility of married life and the necessity of pursuing pleasure.
Meanwhile, Bill is discussing with two flirtatious models who tell him that they want to take him to “where the rainbow ends”. While the meaning of this enigmatic phrase is never explicitly explained in the movie, symbols talk for themselves.

Rainbows Everywhere

Rainbows and multicolored lights appear throughout the movie, from the beginning to the end.
The name of the store where Bill rents his elite ritual costume: "Rainbow". The name of the store under it: "Under the Rainbow".
The name of the store where Bill rents his costume is called “Rainbow”. The name of the store under it: “Under the Rainbow”. Kubrick is trying to tell us something…Something involving rainbows.
As if to emphasize the theme of multicolored rainbows, almost every scene in the movie contains multicolored Christmas lights, giving most sets a hazy, dreamy glow.
Almost every time Bill enters a room, the first thing we see a multicolored Christmas decoration.
Almost every time Bill enters a room, the first things we see are multicolored Christmas lights.
Sometimes Christmas lights are the often source of light on set.
Sometimes Christmas lights are the focal point of attention.
These lights tie together most scenes of the movie, making them part of the same reality. There are however a few select scenes where there are absolutely no Christmas lights. The main one is Somerton palace – the place where the secret society ritual takes place.
Sharply contrasting with the rest of the movie, the Sommerton palace is completely devoid of multicolored lights. Everything there looks sharp and crisp, contrarily to the hazy feel of the outside world.
Sharply contrasting with the rest of the movie, Sommerton  is completely devoid of multicolored lights. Everything about this place is in sharp opposition with the “outside world”.
In Eyes Wide Shut, there are therefore two worlds: The Christmas lights-filled “rainbow world”, where the masses wander around, trying to make ends meet and the other world… “where the rainbow ends”-  where the elite gathers and performs its rituals. The contrast between the two world give a sense of an almost insurmountable divide between them. Later, the movie will clearly show us how those from the “rainbow world” cannot enter the other world.
So, when the models ask Bill the go “where the rainbow ends”, they probably refer to going “where the elite gathers and performs rituals”. It might also be about them being dissociated Beta Programming slaves. There are several references to Monarch mind control (read this article for more information) in the movie. Women who take part in elite rituals are often products of Illuminati mind control. In MK Ultra vocabulary, “going over the rainbow” means dissociating from reality and entering another persona (more on this in the next article).
The models ask Bill to leave this fake facade of the "rainbow world" (there's a Christmas tree right behind them) and go to indulge in the debaucherous rituals of the occult elite.
The models ask Bill to leave the “rainbow world” (there’s a Christmas tree right behind them) to indulge in the debaucherous rituals of the occult elite.

Behind the Curtain

Bill’s flirting with the models is interrupted when Ziegler calls him to his bathroom. There, we get a first glance of “where the rainbow ends” – the dark truth about the elite.
Bill finds Ziegler in his gigantic bathroom dressing up and an almost unconscious woman.
Bill meets Ziegler in his gigantic bathroom. The man is dressing up and is with a naked unconscious woman…who is not his wife.
If we rewind a little, when Bill and Alice first entered the party, they were welcomed by Ziegler and his wife in a room filled with Christmas lights. We saw two respectable couples talking about respectable things in room full of enchanting lights. But when Bill goes “where the rainbow ends” (notice there are no Christmas lights in the bathroom) we see reality: Ziegler with a Beta programming slave who overdosed on goofballs. When the woman gains consciousness, Ziegler talks to her in an odd, paternal matter, highlighting the fact that he’s the master and she’s the slave. The luxurious setting of this scene is Kubrick’s way of saying that extreme wealth does not necessary equal high morals.
Ziegler then urges Bill to keep everything he just saw a secret. The world “where the rainbow ends” must never be revealed to the outside world. It operates in its own space, has its own rules and depends on the masses’ ignorance.

Questioning Marriage

While Alice ultimately rejected Sandor’s advances, she was nevertheless enticed by them. The next day, Alice tells Bill that she could have cheated on him at the party. When Bill tells his wife that he loves and trusts her, she completely loses it. She then proceeds to tell him a story about how she was once ready to cheat on him with a naval officer she met in a hotel. This cruel story highlights the “Ishtar” side of Alice as she brings up in her husband feelings of jealousy, insecurity, betrayal and even humiliation. In short, Alice purposely summoned everything that is negative in relationships to pop Bill’s “love bubble”. This wake-up call prompts Bill to embark in a strange journey around New-York city, one that has multiple level of meanings. That strange night will ultimately lead him to the exact opposite of a monogamous relationship: Anonymous, masked copulation with strangers in a ritual setting. Bill’s journey will be further analyzed in the second part of this series of articles.

Conclusion of Part One

The first part of this series about Eyes Wide Shut took a broad look at Bill and Alice, a modern couple that has the “privilege” of brushing with the upper-echelon of New York. While everything appears great on the surface, Kubrick quickly tells the viewers to not be deceived by appearances and to not be impressed by exhibitions of wealth. Because, behind the “rainbow world”, exists a dark and disturbing reality, one that Kubrick exposes in many subtle ways throughout the movie.
While Bill and Alice are simply “guests” in the elite circle, they are nevertheless fascinated and attracted by it. They see in this lifestyle a way of fulfilling their dark and secret needs. In the next part of this series, we’ll look at the occult meaning of Bill’s journey – a story told by subtle symbols peppered throughout the movie.
Stay tuned for part II of this series on “Eyes Wide Shut”.

LaLa Anthony Debuts Her New RELATIONSHIP Book "Love Playbook" + John Legend Covers UPTOWN Magazine

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LaLa Anthony is ready to dish out some relationship advice.  Deets on her brand new book, Love Playbook, inside.  Plus, John Legend covers the new issue of UPTOWN magazine...
Just a few days ago, LaLa & Carmelo Anthony celebrated 10 years together and their third wedding anniversary.So it's only right the reality star commemorated the occasion with a brand new relationship book, Love Playbook: Rules for Love, Sex And Happiness.
Well, holding down a relationship for 10 years, with a kid and no matter how rocky, must mean you're doing something right.  Right?
La told Us Weekly, "I'm so excited to be sharing my insights on love and relationships.  I hope this book shows women that they can overcome obstacles in their love life and be truly happy!"
The mag reports that "the book chronicles LaLa's search for romance and offers hard-won advice about how to have a healthy relationship. Married since 2010 to New York Knicks player Carmelo Anthony, the star details the bad dates and backstabbing friends she had to overcome to get to where she is now."
The book was co-authored by Karen Hunter and will be released on Jan. 28, 2014, by Penguin Group publisher Celebra.
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And about those rumors of her & Carmelo's relationship being on the rocks, she sent out a very sweet anniversary message on IG last week with the above pic.
Thank u guys for all our amazing anniversary wishes today. Together for 10years, married for 3. Nobody said marriage was easy but when u marry ur bestfriend it makes the ride worth it. Love u @carmeloanthony
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Cuteness.  Will you be reading La's love & sex advice?

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And the soon-to-be-married crooner John Legend is covering the newest issue of UPTOWN magazine.  The Ivy League grad (U Penn) opened up more than usual about love, his fiancee and more.  Here's a few highlights:
On his & Chrissy Teigen's relationship
We got engaged in 2011 and we are getting married later this year. I am looking forward to having kids and growing old together. That’s why we are doing it, because we intend to stay together forever. We have already been together for quite some time. It’s been great. I have learned a lot about myself, and hopefully we will continue to grow.
On why he loves her
She is beautiful, smart, and hilarious. She has a great heart and we have great chemistry.
On rumors of them having a "fake" industry relationship
I don’t really worry about it. During the early part of your career, you worry more about what other people say, especially when it comes to gossip. I am too old for that now. I feel very grown in a sense of knowing who I am and knowing what I want out of life and my relationships. I am just not bothered by random gossip that keeps Twitter and the Internet going. I know why it’s done: People need stuff to post on their blogs. Let them have at it. You can’t allow those things to define you and who you are. When you’re 34 and you have been in this business for a while, you don’t allow blogs and gossip to define you.
On the best part about being famous
Traveling the world, getting the acclaim and love from the fans. I enjoy it. It’s nice to get a reservation at a great restaurant at the last minute. You can get into any club that you want to get into and have the red carpet rolled out for you. Everyone loves to be treated [like they are] special. Fame earns you that privilege. Of course, you lose things as well. But the good outweighs the bad.
On the R&B artists he actually likes
I work with Frank and really like what Miguel and Pharrell are doing. I am competitive, ambitious, and I always want to continue to be better and grow. There is room for me to grow artistically and reach more people. There is no shortage of motivation for me to keep pushing. I am not trying to defeat anyone in the business; I am just trying to be the best. It’s like golf. Tiger Woods’ job is not to beat anyone else, it’s for him to be the best that he can be and if he is, he will win. I have already assumed some pressure taking the name John Legend. I have something to live up to. Frank, [producer] Hit-Boy and Kanye all push me to be the best I can be.
On what his family is like
I am a little closer to my father because we lived with him after my parents got divorced. I am close to my mother as well.
We still have issues dealing with that in our family. Both of our parents are still in all of our lives, but it’s still complicated dealing with divorce. Obviously, I am not the only one dealing with that. It was one of the most difficult things to deal with as a kid, and some of the aftereffects I am still dealing with now. It’s something that I have had to work through.

Beyonce Shares Her Miami Poolside Fun With Blue Ivy, Solange & Fam

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Before Beyonce jetted into Atlanta last night for her Mrs. Carter Show world tour stop, the fab mommy had some major playtime in Miami with Baby Blue, sis Solange, mama Tina, little Juelz and others.
Pics inside of the family vacay....
Who says you can't have a little playtime when trekking around the globe on a world tour?  After Essence Fest last weekend, Beyonce headed further south to the MIA to soak up some sun with her fam.  And she just posted pics to let the world on on their poolside beach-weavery fun:
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Mama Bey rocked an Isabel Marant sheer & colorful blouse while Blue kept it cutesy in a pink sundress.
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The "Standing On The Sun" chick rocked vintage style, sexy, colorful one pieces.
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Solange and Mama Rina spent their days laid out on the pool chairs.
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Get it Mama Tina!  Somebody is NOT worried about Papa Knowles getting remarried and is flaunting what she's got.
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And Solo's son Julez played around in the sand and had some fun aboard a boat.  Fab times indeed.

Paris Jackson Leaves Hospital, Enters Residential Treatment Center

Paris Jackson (Splash News)Paris Jackson has reportedly left the hospital following her June 5 suicide attempt.
The 15-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson checked out of UCLA Medical Center Tuesday and is said to be heading to an undisclosed residential treatment center, according to People.

The rehab facility was chosen by Jackson's grandmother Katherine and her biological mother Debbie Rowe under the advisement of UCLA doctors.
"The feeling is that Paris is still a danger to herself," a source told People. "Both Katherine and Debbie want her to get the help that she needs."
[Related: See Personal Pics of Michael Jackson and His Children]
On June 29, Rowe tweeted out a message on behalf of her daughter: "My daughter has asked that I extend a huge thank you for all of your prayers and support. She is strong like her father."
Take a look at Paris's life in photos:
More Celebrity Features on Yahoo!:

Oprah Winfrey Lands Lindsay Lohan Interview and Docu-Series

Oprah Winfrey Lands Lindsay Lohan Interview and Docu-Series

Lindsay Lohan (WireImage)Oprah Winfrey (WireImage)Move over Sharknado! Leave it to Oprah Winfrey to make a play for the biggest television event of the summer.
Winfrey's OWN cable channel has nabbed the first sit-down interview with Lindsay Lohan following her release from rehab later this month.
Additionally, the channel has signed the troubled actress to an eight-part documentary series set to air in 2014, which will follow her attempts to get her career and life back on track.
 Lohan is currently finishing up the last couple of weeks of her 90-day court-ordered stint in in-patient rehab. Although she began the first portion of her sentence in the Betty Ford Clinic in Rancho Mirage, California, in June she transferred to the Cliffiside Malibu clinic, where she currently resides.
Naturally, Oprah's one-on-one with Lindsay (and Lohan's release from rehab) will coincide with the simultaneous theatrical, pay-per-view, and digital release of her upcoming film "The Canyons," which co-stars porn actor James Deen and was written by Bret Easton Ellis.
For Winfrey, it's yet another huge victory over the broadcast networks for OWN, which finally seems to be finding its footing in 2013. Her interviews with Lance Armstrong and the family of the late Whitney Houston earlier this year both set records for the still relatively-new cable channel.

Michelle Obama: Officer Who Threatened First Lady Suspended Without Pay

First Lady at Kids State Lunch
First Lady at Kids State Lunch
Making threats on the life of first lady Michelle Obama can be bad for your career—as discovered by Washington, DC, police officer Christopher Picciano, who was suspended for 40 days without pay for “conduct unbecoming an officer” following his threats to shoot the first lady.
While Picciano, who claimed he was just joking, was officially cleared of administrative charges relating to the threats—he was found guilty of “conduct unbecoming an officer” for derogatory postings on social media websites, according to The Washington Post. The postings included a communist emblem – a hammer and sickle – superimposed over a campaign poster of President Obama, and also Piccianos’ description of his job as “zoo keeper of the MPD” (Metropolitan Police Department.)
In addition, when he was angered by the D.C. Council’s vote to curtail pension benefits, Picciano wrote on Facebook that he was about to take a rifle to a tall building.
Picciano was initially charged with making threatening comments last July 11 about shooting Michelle Obama and showing off a cell phone picture of a gun. The U.S. attorney’s office decided against filing official charges against Picciano. An anonymous official told The Washington Post that Secret Service agents and other law enforcement officials found that Picciano “wasn’t being serious.”
“We’re pleased that he was exonerated of all allegations that he made threats against the first lady,” said Picciano’s attorney, James W. Pressler, according to The Washington Post, which added that Picciano “has maintained from the beginning that it was an off-the-cuff remark, a joke.”
Picciano, a 17-year veteran, was a motorcycle escort for White House officials and other dignitaries when he was placed on desk duty while an investigation of the alleged threat was underway.
Meanwhile, the first lady glowed today at the second annual White House Kids State Lunch for the kid winners of her recipe contest to promote healthy eating. Invited to the dinner were 54 kids—ages 8-12, from every state, territory and the District of Columbia.
USA Today said Mrs. Obama “glowed” at the luncheon today, wearing “a silky sunshine yellow (or maybe corn-colored?) shift dress by Michael Kors with an oversized bow at the waist. The kicker for the outfit: Her lime-green pumps.”
Co-sponsored by food-themed website and the education and agriculture departments to encourage more Americans to eat healthy food, the contest is a part of the first lady’s campaign against childhood obesity.
Some of the winning recipes, chosen from about 1,300 entries, were served at the lunch. The winners included Alaskan Ceviche with Mango and Zucchini Pancakes with Passion Fruit Banana Smoothies.
In addition to a tour of the White House Kitchen Garden, the kids were entertained by singer Rachel Crow.
President Obama made an appearance, just as he did last year, this time wearing a black-and-white polka-dot tie, made an appearance to speak to the kids and their family members, mingling at the tables to shake hands and make jokes. He said he’s learned to love veggies now that he knows not to boil them too much.
“And so you guys are getting a jump on things because you’re figuring that out earlier,” he told the kids.

Stop The Hate: Why ‘Magna Carta Holy Grail’ is a Great Album

JayZ-Magna-Carta-Holy-Grail-reviewJay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail been out for about a week now, at least on the app and officially to the public for the last few days. By now we all know the story. During Game 5 of the NBA Finals Jay-Z announced a new album and promised #newrules, and the distribution was unconventional through Samsung smartphones etc.
Now we’ve had a chance to digest Jay-Z’s new album and while fans seem to like it, critical reviews seem far more mixed.
A vast majority of critics seem to misunderstand who Jay-Z is, what he stands for and how he’s always been. Sometimes they seem to not understand hip-hip/rap as a genre.
Now before I go any further, I’d like to point out that the album isn’t perfect. I personally don’t love the production. But the narrative is spot-on and the lyrics are outstanding and envelope-pushing. And while music preferences are subjective, if you’re going to be a critic, at least need you to get your criticisms correct.
Like Chris Richards who titled his critique: “Jay-Z ‘Magna Carta . . . Holy Grail’ review: When fans are reduced to customers.”
As if we weren’t in the music business.
He states on the
““Magna Carta” is packed with his patented American dreaming at its most unimaginative. He name-drops Jean-Michel Basquiat and Francis Bacon as if the only point of art is to own it. He name-drops convicted D.C. gangster Wayne “Silk” Perry on a song named after fashion designer Tom Ford. And in a mysterious courtship ritual with Gen X, he recycles the hooks of R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion” and Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit.””
Statements like that show a misunderstanding of why Jay-Z’s fans root for him in the first place. They root for him because he represents someone who’s made it, the underdog who has become so successful that he’s the favorite.
Yes he’s a “business-man” as Richards points out in his article (referring to Jay’s famous line from the Diamonds remix with Kanye West), but that doesn’t mean that he’s become part of the system, because he’s made his own system.
More importantly Magna Carta Holy Grail is the evolution from another Jay-Z quotable:
“Black excellence, opulence, decadence/Tuxes next to the president.”
Because the drug dealer-turned-rapper is not supposed to be here. Not next to the president. He shouldn’t be close to a billion dollars in net worth. Or be aware of great artists like Picasso or Basquiat, much less own their work. And more importantly, have the clout to rap that he’s the “modern day Pablo” to Picasso’s granddaughter. And this is where the misunderstandings come in.
People love to root for you, but only as far as their imagination can take them and Jay-Z has surpassed that. So when critics claim that he’s not opening up, they’re terribly misguided. Hov has just achieved a level of success, which if you lack imagination or you’re on the same level, you just can’t relate to.
But at 43-years-old, he’s still able to run the genre when we aren’t used to seeing rappers have careers past the age of 30. He is charting new territory and someone had to be the conduit for hip-hop’s evolution.
So Jigga can’t talk like he did on Big Pimpin anymore. So now he’s broaching topics of marriage and fatherhood. Not everyone would like to hear that. They prefer the Scarface narrative. But *spoiler alert,* he dies in the end. And some people love that because that’s far as their minds can go. That was The Reasonable Doubt narrative.
But things have changed quite a bit since 17 years ago. Jay-Z shows us in Magna Carta Holy Grail what it’s like to truly make it against all odds. And that should be celebrated.
And while you by no means have to like it, you should at least understand it.

Nelson Mandela: Family May Have to Decide When to Pull the Plug

Nelson Mandela, 94, is responding to treatment but remains in a critical condition, South African President Jacob Zuma said recently after visiting him. The anti-apartheid icon has been in a Pretoria hospital battling a recurring lung infection since June 8.
“We are encouraged that Madiba is responding to treatment,” said Zuma, referring to  Mandela by his clan name.
The head of Mandela’s Thembu clan, King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, told the AFP news agency on Wednesday that the former South African president was “conscious” when he visited his hospital in Pretoria.
“He could not talk, but he recognized me and made a few gestures of acknowledgement, like moving his eyes,” he said.
According to the Associated Press:
“Ahmed Kathrada, a warhorse of the anti-apartheid struggle, was allowed just a few minutes at the hospital bedside of his critically ill comrade, Nelson Mandela. It was, he said, a traumatic experience to see the former president, physically robust during their prison years together, in such a fragile state.
“Mandela could not speak but his face ‘changed’ and he recognized his visitor ‘through his eyes,’ Kathrada said of the July 1 encounter, which was overseen protectively by Mandela’s wife, Graca Machel.”
In response to the latest reports regarding Mandela’s health, The New York Times has raised some rather uncomfortable but relevant questions about how his family would decide when is the right time to pull plug.
According to the Times:
“Medical experts in and outside South Africa who are not involved in the former president’s care have taken the government’s cryptic statement — that Mr. Mandela is in ‘critical but stable condition’ — to mean that he is being sustained by equipment, which, given his advanced age, could present his relatives, doctors and the country with a wrenching choice about how long to keep the 94-year-old alive.
“Any decision would be made in the glare of an international spotlight and would involve an extended family that has shown itself to be fractious about decisions regarding inheritance, his eventual burial location and his legacy. And it would do so under a set of South African laws and court precedents that leave some unnerving gray areas over who might make the ultimate decision.”

Rihanna Channels Lady Gaga by Wearing Swimsuit Out Shopping

rihanna swimsuit 3Yesterday, Lady Gaga stepped out in NYC with nothing but a black bra and miniskirt, though thousands of miles away, Rihanna opted to give her a run for her money.
The “Rude Boy” singer strolled through the streets of Monaco in a high-cut, custom- made black swimsuit. The leg-lengthening suit was accompanied by a sheer, lace tie-front top and mint green sandals.
After performing in Monte Carlo on Thursday night and before her next Diamonds World Tour stop in Manchester, England, Rihanna will reportedly extend her stay in the small European principality.
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Should we expect more outings with minimal attire? Time will tell. Meanwhile, Rihanna drew a crowd as she made her way through the shopping center and into a shoe store. Soon enough, it was clear why the “Umbrella” singer chose to wear a swimsuit – yachting with the girls of course!
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Rih Rih shared on Twitter Friday morning:
“#Monaco #YachtLife #BoatzNHeauxz @charliebymz I finally put this bad ass piece on for your Birthday!!”
The  custom-made swimsuit,  gifted to the singer by New York City designer Matthew Zink, featured an “R” on the back.
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With these long hours of relaxation, hopefully Rihanna won’t keep her Manchester fans waiting for three hours.
As for Lady Gaga, this is what she blessed her fans with in NYC on Thursday.
lady gaga nyc

Say What? Jourdan Dunn Dumped From Dior Runway Show Over Boob Size?

Model Jourdan Dunn ousted by fashion label Christian Dior, reportedly dropping her from their Fall/Winter 2013 Paris Haute Couture runway!
Dunn took to Twitter to reveal the news: “Ahahahahahaha I just for (sic) cancelled from Dior because of my boobs! I❤ fashion #Couture.” The often in-demand Dunn took the news in stride adding,  “I’m normally told I’m cancelled because I’m ‘coloured’ so being cancelled because off my boobs is a minor : )”
jourdan dunn diorThis isn’t the first time Dunn has faced some form of discrimination. Last month, both Dunn and African-American model Chanel Iman revealed racism still exists in the modeling industry.
According to an article in Net-a-Porter’s Edit magazine,
“There were times when Dunn would be on her way to castings and told to turn back because the client “didn’t want any more black girls.” There was even one instance when a makeup artist announced on a shoot that she didn’t want to make-up Dunn’s face because she herself was white and Dunn was black.”
Iman added to U.K.’s The Times,
“A few times I got excused by designers who told me, ‘We already found one black girl. We don’t need you any more.’ I felt very discouraged.”
Dunn’s lighthearted response to Dior’s discrimination reflects how she’s managed to survive in an industry bent on uploading an unrealistic image.
“I grew up wanting to be my mom. She always seemed to make things work without ever complaining. She whips me into shape,” the model told Edit. When channeling her mother’s strength doesn’t work, Dunn calls on her three-year old son Riley for inspiration.
“If ever I’m sad, I just have to remember, I’m not doing this for me, I’m doing it for him,” she said.
It’s refreshing to see Dunn take a positive approach to keep her career alive, but will the industry truly change if models aren’t willing to cause some friction?

On The Verge: Drake Set to Release New Music For ‘Nothing Was The Same’

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Drake is set to release his new album Nothing Was The Same in September. While the Young Money rapper has been pretty tight lipped about his new album, his Cash Money CEO Baby is talking about Drizzy and the new record.
As reported by
“‘Drake, I told him this when I first met him, I thought he was gonna be special to the game and he proving that every time,’ Birdman told MTV News in Los Angeles.
“Baby is one of the few who has gotten a preview of Drizzy’s upcoming Nothing Was the Same LP, and it left an impression on him. ‘I think Drake, he’s one of those n— that’s gonna change the game every time he come, because he’s a talented animal. He’s somethin’ I never been around before,’ said the music mogul responsible for the careers of Lil Wayne, Juvenile and Nicki Minaj.”
Drake has been relatively quiet the last couple of weeks, with the only major news being his alleged drama with Chris Brown. Brown was rumored to be the cause Drake’s no-show at the BET Awards. But this week, Drake seems set to put out more new music for Nothing Was The Same.
 According to
“Just one week after Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail and only a few weeks after the night Drake dropped four songs—“The Motion,” “Jodeci Freestyle,” Party Next Door’s “Over Here,” and of course, Migos’ “Versace (Remix)”—he may be releasing new music. Drake teased [a] photo on Instagram [last night].”
After what’s been a pretty good summer for rap music, with aforementioned Magna Carta from Hov, Kanye’s Yeezus, and notable offerings from the likes of J. Cole and Wale. It’s now Drake’s turn to take his spot this year amongst the rap elites. And while they haven’t done Drake any favors by setting the bar pretty high, I’m sure he won’t disappoint.

Keep It or Ditch It? Rihanna Leaves Little to Imagination in Sheer Dress at Chanel Fashion Show

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Rihanna appeared to have forgotten the finding philosophy of the Chanel brand, “elegance lies in simplicity.”
The “Rude Boy” singer was photographed attending the Chanel show as part of Paris Fashion Week Haute-Couture Fall/Winter 2013-2014 at Grand Palais, Paris today.
The fashion show is a welcome break from the hard-partying ways that has allegedly caused the pop singer to repeatedly arrive late for shows on her Diamonds World Tour. The next stop on the extensive world tour will be to a sold-out crowd in Berlin  this evening.
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Rihanna is wearing top to bottom Chanel as is customary when attending a respective brand’s runway show, in this case an outdoor exhibition courtesy of longtime head designer Karl Lagerfeld.
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The pop singer arrived in a sheer button-down Chanel dress that left little the imagination, but miraculously managed to avoid a looming wardrobe malfunction.
Always intent on upping the shock value, Rihanna showed off her nipple ring, plenty of legs and a torso tattoo of the Egyptian goddess Maat. Her golden locks and subtle make-up helped bring some balance to the look.
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Despite the ill-fit of the button-down dress, RiRi remains one of few celebrities who has a body to pull off such an ensemble and make it look sultry.
So we must ask, keep it or ditch it?

Friday 12 July 2013

Justin Bieber’s Mom: He’s Getting a 'Bad Rap'

Justin Bieber’s Mom: He’s Getting a 'Bad Rap'

Pattie Mallette and Justin Bieber (GettyImages)Justin Bieber's bad behavior as of late has not gone unnoticed by his mom.
Urinating in a bucket while insulting former President Clinton, showing up to one of his concerts two hours late, continuing to loan friend Lil Twist his cars to abuse — this hasn't exactly been Bieber's finest hour.
So naturally, while hitting the talk show circuit this week to talk about the new teen edition of her book, "Nowhere but Up: The Story of Justin Bieber's Mom," Pattie Mallette, 38, was barraged with questions about her teen idol son.
Here are a few of her choice quotes:
  • "I definitely think he's getting a bad rap, but I'm also not naive to think that my child is perfect and making all the best decisions of his life. He knows what I disagree with, and he knows all the things that I'm really proud of him for, too. I mean, people don't talk about all the great things he does every day."
    - "Watch What Happens Live"
  • "Justin has always been someone who has to do things his way. And I have to be able to believe he will do the right thing and he will come out on top."
    - E! News
  • "I think that all parents worry about their kids. I don't necessarily agree with everything that he does … I try to encourage him to stay true to who he is and stay grounded and humble. I just always encourage him and say, 'You've always had to learn the hard way, but you'll get there and I believe in you.' And I have to keep believing that he'll come out on top."
    - "The View"
Mallette also revealed on the ABC gabfest that Bieber told her he needed some space from his mom and requested that she stop traveling everywhere with him when he turned 18 in March 2012.
And just like that, all of his wild behavior made perfect sense.

Miley Cyrus 'Doesn't Give A Damn' About What You Think Of He

Miley Cyrus 'Doesn't Give A Damn' About What You Think Of Her

Producer Sean Garrett talks to MTV News about Miley's 'No BS' policies while working on her 2013 album.

Miley CyrusMiley Cyrus might be about 300,000 Twitter followers away from revealing her album title, but one of the folks she worked with is already spilling some details about the project.
Songwriter/producer Sean Garrett, who has penned songs for Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj and Fergie, opened up to MTV News about hitting the studio with the singer as she prepares to launch her post-Disney music career.
Miley Cyrus' Laid-Back Style Made Recording 'So Easy'
"Man, that was a really, really exciting relationship, just getting in the studio with Miley. This was my first time working with her, and I actually thought she was going to be a lot different, to be honest with you," he said. "But she is down-to-earth and so funny ... Being that she's had so much success, sometimes you work with certain artists and they be so into themselves, but she was so down-to-earth."
"It made the music-making process so much easier," he added. "When you've got someone who's cool and understands that it's about taking your life and putting it on music and actually putting it on tape, the songs were coming so easy and the conversation was so easy."
Miley Cyrus - "We Can't Stop"
Not only did Miley book time with the hitmaker, but also a handful of other A-list producers including Pharrell and Mike Will Made It, who produced the album's lead single, "We Can't Stop." And hearing her work with those other producers convinced Garrett he wanted in on the project as well.
"By the way, I was already a fan of what I had already heard. I wanted to be a part of that. Miley is a fun girl who really don't give a damn about what you think about her," he said. "I really commend that just because to be so young and to have been so successful people get into your ear and they break you down ... but she's just hell bent on being herself. She's cute as a button and she been twerking, just having fun, just getting in and making great music. Her album is dynamic. It's dope."
Miley has set the tone for the release with her hip-hop-influenced, mid-tempo party jam, "We Can't Stop," but Garrett didn't want to reveal too much about what the few tracks he's recorded with her sound like. "You know, sonically, man, we just kept it fun and insightful, talked about some real everyday life stuff that kids relate to," he said. "It's not too heavy. It's not corny though. No BS. It's just real s---, man, just having fun, not being put in a box and that's what I like about her."


