While the Jackson family claims Paris is doing much better health wise, the courts are still concerned about her and her siblings’ well-being.
Judge Mitchell Beckloff ordered for an investigation on Thursday that will look into all thee children’s health, education, and overall welfare.
Although the investigation is not complete, some troubling facts have already been discovered that will likely result in a change of legal guardianship.
While investigators are still content with the job Katherine Jackson, 83, has been doing raising the children there are some concerns with TJ Jackson.
As it turns out, the courts were unaware that TJ, the children’s other legal guardian, moved over two hours away without alerting the proper authorities.
They continued on to explain that while Katherine is doing a good job, three children is just too much for an elderly woman to be raising on her own.
“So the bottom line is we have an 83-year-old woman raising teenagers by herself, and that just won’t fly,” they added.
Apparently TJ made the big move several months ago but he still receives $9,000 a month to take care of children. Needless to say, him being two hours away means the money probably isn’t serving that purpose.
It’s uncertain if legal guardianship will indeed be impacted by the investigation, but one thing has already been made clear – Paris will not be returning to the school she used to attend.
The Jackson family learned that Michael’s daughter had been getting constantly ridiculed and bullied at school after M.J.’s child molestation allegations went public.
“Paris had been absolutely miserable at the school for a long time, and there is a clique of mean girls that had been bullying her,” another source explained. “There is no way she could return there after the suicide attempt, Paris would be tormented all over again.”
With bullying actually entering the realm of being punishable by law, the young girls who have been messing with Paris should probably get their act together quickly before they get a nice little surprise visit from the men in blue… you have been warned.
Meanwhile, Paris’s teenage brother Prince is stepping up and doing what he can to bridge the gap in their relationship.
The siblings used to be close until Paris decided to make amends with their biological mother Debbie Rowe and Prince Michael felt betrayed.
Ever since the suicide attempt, however, he has been doing whatever it takes to support his sister.
On Thursday he canceled previous TV engagements to go visit Paris in the hospital and he even had a heart felt phone conversation with her where he promised to always be there for her during these tough times.
Not everyone is busy thinking about Paris’s best interest, however.
Unfortunately, the world of Hollywood can still only think about money first so when movie producers learned of the attempted suicide all they could see was dollar signs.
The 15-year-old was arranged to star in “Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys” but now that she has attempted suicide the movie makers will have to pay up some hefty insurance fees.
Before they even asked how the young girl was doing they simply thanked goodness that they had a big budget.
“There’s a policy that we will have to buy now that we would not have had to buy prior to the incident,” one source explained to TMZ. “We’re prepared to pay a large amount of money for the policy. Fortunately, we have a big budget.”
They went on to basically put her on a timeline to recover saying that she won’t be needed for the film for another six months and they feel that should be enough time for her to get her life together.
Still no mention of any concern as whether or not Paris is even feeling okay.
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